
How to solve the deformation problem of clear pvc sheets?

The deformation of clear pvc sheets can be caused by various factors such as changes in environmental temperature, exposure to ultraviolet light, improper cleaning methods, and issues during the production process. To address the deformation issues of clear pvc sheets, several aspects can be considered:
Control environmental temperature: Deformation and discoloration of PVC sheets are closely related to environmental temperature. Therefore, maintaining stable indoor temperatures and avoiding excessive heat or cold is an important measure to prevent PVC sheet deformation. The suitable environmental temperature for PVC sheets is typically between 15°C and 40°C.
Prevent direct sunlight exposure: PVC sheets have weak resistance to ultraviolet light, and prolonged exposure to sunlight can easily cause deformation. This can be prevented by installing sunshades on windows or placing PVC sheets in shaded areas to prevent direct sunlight exposure.
Proper cleaning and maintenance: Use a soft cloth, neutral detergent, and warm water to clean PVC sheets to maintain their smooth and shiny appearance. Avoid using hard objects or abrasive cloths for cleaning to prevent scratching the surface of the sheets.
Optimize production processes: Manufacturers should strictly control raw material quality, optimize formulations, and process parameters to ensure the uniformity and stability of the sheets. For potential production issues such as yellowing or warping, the causes should be analyzed promptly, and corresponding measures should be taken to resolve them.
Use plasticizers: For PVC sheets that have already experienced deformation, the use of plasticizers can be considered for treatment. For example, plasticizers like ZH-DX-3 and ZH-DX-6 can solve deformation problems by increasing molecular activity or improving the purity between molecules.
By applying these measures comprehensively, deformation issues of clear pvc sheets can be effectively prevented and resolved, ensuring their good performance and appearance during use.